Becoming A Dad is super exciting
But The Pressure, Worry And Stress Really Ramps Up.
Becoming a dad is a life changing experience - nothing can really prepare you for the emotional impact of holding your baby for the first time. Expectant father becomes new dad.
It's an amazing time in many ways, but being a dad comes with new worries and anxieties.
✔ The Pressure Of Trying To Balance Work And Family Time.
✔ The Anxiety About How You And Your Partner Will Cope.
✔ Worrying You Might Let Down Those Who Matter The Most To You.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed and is doesn’t get any easier as your children get older. I know it's tough to know how to be a great dad, there's no manual and when you are struggling to balance your responsibilities it's difficult to know where to turn. You don't want to miss out on the moments that matter and you want quality time with your kids. A new generation of dads want much more involvement in their children’s lives and they don't just want to be ‘weekend parents’.
Too often the only route seems to be heads down, get the job done and don’t make a fuss.
Becoming A Dad Is Definitely Tough On Your Emotions
It was 3am and I knew nothing was going to be the same again as I held our daughter, Freya, for the first time. I made secret promises to her, her little eyes piercing my soul. Promises I hoped I’d be able to keep. Promises about what sort of Dad I would be… Wanting to make my late Mum proud. But not knowing what the hell I was doing!
To be honest I had it lucky. I was able to reduce my hours to work 4 days a week. A great boss, line manager and team around me.
But even so, I was acutely aware of being away from my new family, and the tension created trying to make it home 'on time.'
More than anything I used to worry about the lunchtime calls, checking in to find out how much my daughter's reflux was effecting my wife's day.
GQ Magazine Survey Tells Us How It Is…
66 per cent of the GQ State Of Man survey respondents chose “being a present father” as the number one aspect of modern masculinity.
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A Tale Of Two Dads
Imagine the scene, while the Mums catch up enthusiastically, two Dads are making slightly awkward chat at a children’s birthday party. Both very much alike, a child in the same nursery, working in the same industry, doing the same type of role. They are discussing their work life balance struggles. “Ha, what work life balance!” Complaining about a lack of quality family time and being too knackered to enjoy it when they do have it. Always under pressure and stress - deteriorating relationships. Not at all happy with the direction life is taken them.
They Agree That Being “Successful” Should Feel Better Than This.
They meet again at another kid's birthday party 6 months later and started chatting. One Dad's work life balance is still causing him a lot of stress, things haven’t changed at all. The other is much happier, spending more time with his children, he has a better relationship with his partner, fewer arguments about what time he logs off. His kids turn to him as much as they turn to Mum, he’s no longer feels like a spare part at the weekend. He feels content.
What Made The Difference?
You may be wondering what could make such a difference to these two Dads’ lives? It certainly isn’t due to talent, determination or drive. It’s not luck or that one Dad wanted to fix his work life balance more than the other one did.
The difference lies with what they did after that party. One Dad was determined to get some help, he knew his work life balance wasn’t going to fix itself. He invested in himself, got super clear about what needed to change in his life and kick started a new action plan.
A plan that turned his life around and gave him the confidence to make the best choices for him and his family. He had a coach in his corner and he used him as the sounding board and cheer leader to create a different version of his life.
When you need to turn your work life balance around you need to get your knowledge, support and advice from someone who knows what you are going through and can help you.
So what was different about the lives of those two Dads, working in the same industry, doing the same role, struggling with their work life balance?
The Right Help At The Right Time.
Because Your Kids Are Only Young Once.
Who wouldn’t want some of this?
✅ Clear direction, certainty and purpose.
✅ Calm and content, role model dad, enjoying life to the full.
✅ Your work serves your vision and purpose of what being a great dad looks like.
✅ Reduce your stress - sleep and eat better.
✅ Spend more AND better time with your family and improve your relationship with your children.
✅ Design a life that recognises everyone’s needs and allows you to create impact and achieve your dreams.
✅ Open the lines of communication with YOURSELF to understand how your feel about life and give yourself permission to the challenge your circumstances.
✅ Learn how to be the best dad you can possibly be and stop the guilt that comes from missing out on the precious moments.
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